Improve compatibility with FreeHEP graphics library
I am a scientist, and use CorelDRAW Graphics Suite to put together figures and illustrations for publications, for which it is very well-suited. Many analytical programs used in research are written in Java to make them cross platform, and several...
I cannot edit images directly in PhotoPaint in CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2023. It worked great in the X7 version. Now it doesn't work and it's a serious error! You are crazy to limit this!
When entering bullet points, the ruler is not functional. When I'm debugging a text box with bullets, the ruler doesn't respond. For Corel Draw ver. 17 there was no problem with that.
Do not expand level when making a selection unless double clicked. It's such a pain to have the whole level expand when I only wanted to select one object and move it to another level. BTW, been here since 1.0 and I LOVE IT!
CorelDRAW GlobalMacros.gms BACKUP/RESTORE
CorelDRAW GlobalMacros.gms is a file, where VBA projects, user forms, command modules, classes are stored. Across the years CorelDRAW user, who uses VBA automatization creates many user projects. But the...
Currently if you type in a capital letter H in Arial and set it to 1" in the font dropdown, the object size of the H is .716" tall. If you physically size the letter to 1" the font drop down shows 1.397". Different fonts, this number varies becaus...