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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal

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Enable support for CMYK values specified in decimals (0.00-1.00)

CMYK values are currently specified 0-100%, where other software allows for decimal values 0-1. Support this ability to enter CMYK values with decimals with percentages, as required.
Product Operations about 3 years ago in  1

Please add hexagonal grids as well as options for changing grid angle

Sometimes designers find the need to produce more sophisticated layouts, but Coreldraw only has a rectangular grid. Please add!!
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Support multi-page export to DWG file

Multi-page imports are possible but not exports.
Product Operations about 3 years ago in  0

Add basic Bitmap crop within Corel Draw/Designer

It's sometimes cumbersome to have to completely change over to PhotoPaint to crop a bitmap picture. Would be great if basic manipulation like crop could be handled with a single click in the respective vector drawing tool.
Guest 4 months ago in  0 Already exists

Ditch Cutout Lab in PP and create a new USEWFUL, AI-based magic eraser tool like Google has, please.

The current Cutout Lab tool ius worse than useless as it completely changes all vertical sections of an image when a cutout is made. Google phones and a number of online apps have EXCELLENT AI-based object removal tools that make an almost seemles...
Guest over 2 years ago in  1

Bitmap Adjustments

In previous versions you used to be able to make basic Bitmap Adjustments in CorelDraw without going into PHOTO-PAINT. It is a pain to wait for PAINT to open just to do a minor adjustment. Please can you add that feature back? You can keep the fea...
Guest 4 months ago in  0 Already exists

In-App Braille Option

Currently, to create a Braille design in CorelDraw, you have to produce it somewhere else and import it, convert it, etc; this is time-consuming and leaves a margin for error in the designs (such as discrepancies in shape when the Trace function i...
Guest 12 months ago in  0

Brush Engine and Pattern designer

a enhanced media brush interface and a pattern design interface for seamless patterns
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Halftone vectorial

Create a tool that can create vector halftones.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1

Improve the Vector pattern fill tool.

This used to work perfectly. Now when I try and grab "New source from workspace", the image that I attempt to take a pattern fill from, gets skewed. Example would be brick or stone. I try and get a "snippit" from my screen and all of the bricks ar...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0