A cross could be added to the right of each line in the list of recent files that opens when clicking on the open file icon, which allows that link to be removed
Many people are wanting to streamline productivity and are using various shortcut devices. Stream Deck as a lot of icon sets added for other design softwares and apps, It would be nice to see Corel release an "official" version as I think it would...
Actually many things are good and getting good with coreldraw but still learning content are kind of missing a lot, works done by third party people aren't that instructive about the product, there should be more webinars and just more Live practi...
When setting up a document, sometimes we have to add pages and it's time consuming to add them one by one. It would be great if, say, someone gives us 3 more photos to add to a document and rather than adding each page one at a time, we could have...
Link the name of font displayed in Corel to its actual filename where it is installed
With multiple versions of similar fonts installed it can be tricky to identify exactly which file on the computer Corel is using when selecting from the font list. This becomes especially relevant when sharing files where users may have different ...
An extensive redesign of the interface to make it modern looking
The CorelDraw interface is basically the same since the begining. The redesings never bring it to the level of the competition. Make it happen now! It's a graphic designer software — make it look like one please!
Files coming from other people, the displacement, rotation, duplication settings, among others, not prevail over those already configured in my installation. My setup should always prevail.
When opening a PDF in CorelDraw, of importing a PDF.... It is silly that every page gets dumped onto one page. I would love it to put each page in a PDF on a separate page in Corel when opening.
Now, I can add page frame for one page at a time. Or I can write a macro (do those still exist? In 33 years of using CorelDraw I never wrote a macro). I want the button to say, Add page frame for this page only, Add page frame for each page in doc...