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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal

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Showing 35

Add native support for WebP files in Photo-Paint and CorelDRAW

WebP format provides both lossless and lossy compression for working with images on the web. It´s becoming an standard graphic file format for digital design and website design, so it´s very important to add full support for the WebP file format i...
Anna Lopez - CORELCLUB-ORG over 2 years ago in  8 Shipped

Add export all pages to export docker

Right now export docker can export objects, multi-objects, or current page. Add command to export multiple pages or all pages will be a great timesaving.
Krisada over 2 years ago in  2 Shipped

Add CDR file format to Export Docker

Export Docker is vert useful and very powerful. It allows many file formats (TIF, GIF, JPG, PNG, SVG, EPS and PDF). But there is no native CorelDRAW file format. If Export Docker provide CDR it could be very useful for to seperate graphics objects...
Kürşad Çakır over 2 years ago in  5 Shipped

Ability to export entire page using the page tab

I often use print merge to document, creating multi paged documents. I then rename the page tabs to identify what each page is. It would be great to be able to click on that tab and 'export' to new document, and have it save by the name I gave to ...
Lorrie Russell over 2 years ago in  4 Shipped

Naming items directly in the Export docker

Directly active in the Export docker the possibility to name/rename the items that are in the list, before exporting them. It is not always part to the workflow to name groups, objects and pages. Naming at export time would be quite helpful.
Dicas do Greb over 2 years ago in  2 Shipped

Improve export to DXF.

When exporting to DXF, even the latest versions create breaks between nodes. There is no rhyme or reason to where the breaks occur. This distorts curves. The breaks are very difficult to find.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Line thickness tool

I use CorelDraw to create cartoon vectors by using the pen tool. Would be great to be able to use a tool which would allow me to easily add a tappered point to my lines to have varying thickness. Similar to the line thickness tool in Illustrator.
Guest over 2 years ago in  3 Shipped

PDF import - paragraph text support

when you import a PDF document, draw breaks paragraphs into individual lines of artistic text. This make editing almost impossible.
Guest over 1 year ago in  3 Shipped

advanced brushes

in this area Corel is way behind. Corel draw was the first program to have a raster brush work in a vector environment, the holy grail itself and no one ever even knew it. the object sprayer tool is a raster brush isn't it? Every body else is two ...
jim Hagler over 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Print merge - should work with QR codes and barcodes

When using print merge, you should be able to import data to populate QR codes and barcodes. Tech support answer has always been - change it manually.
Tomas Evan over 2 years ago in  5 Shipped