CorelDRAW can import TIFF files as compsite (finally visible image as one merged layer)... But CorelDRAW imports PSD files as layers... And impossible import PSDs as composite image. Please ad this feature as an opiton.
Macromedia Flash had the option to turn a line into a 2 dimensional vector ... really useful when you want to change a single colour line into one with a vignette or blended fill.
O gerenciador de objetos não esta funcionando corretamente não busca os texto, bitmaps, utilizava muito em outras versões do Corel agilizava na hora de fechar o arquivo.
When working on projects I would like the option to easily switch between units from say mm to pixels and back again. This would make it easer when designing work that has to exist in both print format and online. Also, when using or importing oth...