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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal

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extrusion using multiple views

I would love to see the extrude effect be modified to allow a 3D object to be created from multiple 2d Drawings/Shapes. Using Multiple views of an object to automatically create a manipulatable 3d object to add as an element to your designs and th...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Lines/Object Outline Gradients

I noticed this on the Microsoft's windows UI. They create gradients out of lines in their designs. to do this in CorelDraw I have to create an object and add a gradient fill to it. It is extremely difficult to achieve the result this way as it's n...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Ability to TAB from field to field in Object properties

Restore the ability to tab from field to field in Object properties? (Such as size, position, etc.) Was there on PC and I was so excited when Corel came to Mac - but this very basic function doesn't seem to exist.
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Redesign the transparency effects to be more efficient

When working small the transparency tools and effects work fine but when you are designing graphics in a larger format because the transparencies are pixel based, the efficiency goes down. I have had it become so bad that it would take minutes wai...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

More Vector graphics

More Vector graphics
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Add on to the side someplace the current active scale.

I normally have files with two or more scales in it and hate having to click four time to get down to scales is irritating.
Bob Murdoch over 2 years ago in  1

3D rendering tool

Technical document layout and presentation requires 3D images. If Draw included a 3D rendering tool, the technical writer could rotate, scale, markup, and present a fathfull engineering design to integrated illustration publication without cut and...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Linked Assets

When placing large bit-maps in large-format layouts (think banners) it would be nice if the asset was linked and not always embedded. It would make it easier to hot-swap out a file. Every other program has a 'link' option.
Lorrie Russell over 2 years ago in  4

CorelDraw template conversion to 3D Object in CorelCAD.

I love to use CorelDraw in the development of my designs. And as I am a novice in the use of Corel CAD the ability to automatically create a 3D models of a given design. As a Template defined as multiple views of a project ie. front, side, top etc...
Guest over 2 years ago in  1

Multiple object attributes

Consider multiple object attributes like the Illustrator Appearance panel
Guest over 2 years ago in  0