In unserer Branche Werbetechnik wird Nachwuchs gesucht. Lediglich 1 von 15 Schülern kommen mit CorelDRAW in Kontakt, die anderen werden mit Adobe ausgebildet. Da unserer Meinung nach CorelDRAW durchaus viele Vorteile für unsere vielfältigen Tätigk...
CorelDraw has a lot of different preferences grouped into several tabs. Finding a particular preference or a toggle sometimes takes a lot of time.Having a search bar in preferences would help finding a preference more quickly.
Allow seeing and snapping to symbol copies when editing master symbol
Symbols are a great feature for tessellation but it would be a lot better if I would see the changes I make affecting the entire set of symbols at the same time. Every time I enter Edit Master mode, the rest of the stuff disappears and only the ma...
Make the initial view the one set in the Document Preferences
Every time I start a new file it opens with Pixel view, even though I have it set to Enhanced view. It is utterly annoying that I have to switch this manually for every single document every single time.
Make "Copy / Paste" (CMD C / CMD V)commands work in Mac Version's Save Dialoge
In the current Mac version, if I copy some text and want to use it to paste in the save dialoge box as the file name, I am unalbe to use the keyboard shortcts CMD C / CMD V to copy or paste text to or from the save dialoge box.