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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal

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Showing 24

Custom short cuts won't export with workspace

When I go to export a custom workspace everything gets exported except custom short cuts you made. This has happened on multiple occasions were I'm setting up a new computer and my short cuts don't export with my personal workspace. So I have to g...
Guest about 1 year ago in  2 Already exists

Add a Shortcut Key for the main Cursor.

I'm a fan of shortcuts and I think this would make the workflow of this software much better. Maybe u can add a a few shortcuts on to the number keys on top of the keyboard.or add an option to do so...
Guest over 1 year ago in  6 Already exists

Duplicating Pages, Layers and Content in Page docker

One functionality I sincerely miss from the Page Sorter View is Control+click and drag pages to duplicate both pages, layers and content... It's definitely a more efficient way of duplicating pages than the current method. My wish is that Corel in...
William Kansepa about 2 years ago in  3 Already exists

Stop controlling Double Capitals

I work in the UK where postcodes consist of a mix of double letters and numerals. e.g. AB12 9YZ. It is not useful to have Corel automatically change the second letter to lower case
Guest over 2 years ago in  2 Already exists

I want to arc a text in a circle

No description provided
Guest about 1 month ago in  0 Already exists

Layered Art

I am looking for a way to make layered art boxes. Has anyone tried this is Corel Draw? If not can anyone recommend a substitute program? I want to take a photo, create several layers, and end with a 3D effect.
Guest about 2 months ago in  1 Already exists

Always visible line color palette

Allow users to change the line color by clicking the color in the palette (the same as it does now for fill)
David Eckert 11 months ago in  0 Already exists

cloning windows 10 pro for a company network, with coreldraw graphics suite installed.

I am a system admin, i need to install windows 10 pro with corel draw for a network of pcs. i would do windows 10 pro imaging or cloning with corel draw installed & updated to 24.3.0... . I need a prompt to enter UserName(Must) & serial# s...
Guest 12 months ago in  0 Already exists

Add a plus button on the object/layer tab to save having to go through to many menus just to add a new layer.

This will make the work flow much better as layers are used a lot.
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Already exists

Link multipagina

Quando ci sarà una possibilità di importare i file multipagina in PDF e Corel con la possibilità di decidere quali pagine importare senza che queste si sovrappongano? grazie
Guest about 1 year ago in  2 Already exists