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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2023

Link multipagina

Quando ci sarà una possibilità di importare i file multipagina in PDF e Corel con la possibilità di decidere quali pagine importare senza che queste si sovrappongano? grazie

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2023

    grazie molte

  • Admin
    Klaus Vossen
    Sep 22, 2023

    Please allow for me replying in English.

    In CorelDRAW you can import a PDF into an existing CorelDRAW (CDR) file. Importing a multipage PDF into an existing document places the 1st page on the active page in the already open CorelDRAW file, the content of the other pages of the PDF will be imported as separate (new) pages in that open CorelDRAW file.

    Alternatively, you can Open a PDF in CorelDRAW, which will open the file as a new document in CorelDRAW, for editing (not merging the PDF with an existing CorelDRAW file).

    In both import and open processes you can specify which pages you want to load for further use. Here's an example for a 7-pages PDF: