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add functionality to the page numbering so it will be possible to have two different numberings

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Detlef Overbeek over 2 years ago in  1

Art-boards easier to add and adjust, more like Illustrator

Adding multiple artboards and working throughout the multiple layers is easy to work with in Illustrator, but much more difficult to add and work with in CorelDraw. Illustrator has a tool button and shortcut that allows users to add and adjust art...
Eric Bivens over 2 years ago in  0

type in size of object BEFORE creating it in the x y boxes

If I create a rectangle box to match one of the dimension of another shape, I would like to be able to type in the size before creating it. As of now I must drag and drop. Often if I change one dimension the other dimension will change with it, by...
D P over 2 years ago in  0

Page Curl

I admit that this is probably not a feature that is a must have for the majority of users. The current page curl feature I find is rather restrictive in how you can modify the curl. More flexibility especially the degree of curl would be useful fo...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Font Categories in drop down

It would be really great and improve efficiency if the fonts could be listed by style, or at least an option for this. For example - all script fonts together, all san serf together, all block, all serf etc.
Guest over 2 years ago in  2

Objects - Move the Master Page right to the top.

When I have a document with say 40 pages, I have to keep scrolling all the way to the bottom to select desktop. View Image
Andrew Baker over 2 years ago in  1

The ability to copy part of an image and paste it elsewhere - either in the same image or another image.

Something like in the case of PSP
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Find and replace to redesign recurring elements, eg making red circles into blue squares.

Scientific presentations involve a lot of data, sometimes many hundreds of data points. Things change, it would be good to copy the new design, then find and replace in one step, instead of taking hours.
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Hyperlinks less glitchy

It would be great to make management of hyperlinks more stable as these tend to be really mixed up once document is exported.
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Add scaling tool to the main toolbar.

Corel is much better than Illustrator for scaling purposes, and the main reason we use Corel over AI. Having quick access to the scaling would be beneficial and improve workflow.
Guest over 2 years ago in  2