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fix record temporary script

fix record temporary script. when duplicating objects, the distance to the duplicated objects is not correct. since corel 2018
me over 2 years ago in  1

opened documents bar show or hide option

Like you have provided for Document Navigator and Scrollbars, please provide the same option for OPEN DOCUMENT bar close. It is hlep for those who are prepaing the books, but not for me. It is unnecessarily existed. please allow the command to rem...
sriram teegela over 2 years ago in  1

Global Actions - Must needed - Feature Request

for instant, preparing a hundred pages book, and wanted to hide all the bitmaps temporarily and focus on typing. we need this options as a docker or flyout. see the attachment. Similarly we are editing the previous year book, by removing the all p...
sriram teegela over 2 years ago in  0

Dynamic Linked Bitmaps

CorelDRW needs Dynamic Linked Bitmaps as Adobe illustrator or Indesign. When i change bitmap file (edit and resave external software) then DRAW should observe it and should update the link.
Kürşad Çakır over 2 years ago in  1

Error with outlines stretching on "text" only.

On text only, if a text is stretched or skewed, the outline cannot be set to proper default settings to maintain an even outline all around. Currently the outline becomes disproportionate with any stretched text. It is an error. You should be able...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Smart colors tool - used colors swatches are stay in the property bar like a palette.

It will be easier to navigate, no need to look for a color I just used.
D L over 2 years ago in  1


As far as I know, I will suggest a feature that is not available in any 2D program. My suggestion is called Vector effect layer. ----Only black and white drawings can be made on the vector layer. Pictures can be placed. From the black gray white b...
yılmaz hoca over 2 years ago in  0

color change

In the same way, just bring the colors to the tip of the mouse with (for example, D). With the movement of the mouse, the colors flow and when you release the selected color, the selected object gets that color. Let the opacity value of the color ...
yılmaz hoca over 2 years ago in  0

LAB Tone curves needvto show Acred, green and B blue, yellow

Currently usng the cuve is blind, unless you understand LAB, your lost.
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Automatic grid on at 800%

When edting images one almost always zooms in past 800%. Forcing the user to turn them off.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1