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Guest about 1 year ago in  0 More info required

Add Spot Color Name (Pantone Number) to Color name indicator section

There is not spot color name color name indicator on Properties Docker's Fill color section. Please take a look attached image.
Kürşad Çakır over 2 years ago in  0

Generate Gcode to CNC machines

There are some plugins in the market that allows user to generate gcode to cnc machine directly in coreldraw, but they are sometimes buggy and they lack good support. It would be great if corel would implement this feature, since it would probably...
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

it would be nice to have all of Corel product, working together as adobe products are.

I bought a number of different products from Corel, and the problem I have is, you can't port a file from one product to another. would love to see, your products working with one another smoothly. yes, that would be very good
corey lightbourne over 2 years ago in  0


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Guest about 1 year ago in  0

SVG Export

Well, I've noticed svg created with CorelDraw actually contain problems when imported into blender for work, which is not the case for apps affinity designer, sorry to mention, I'm not comparing but I mean SVG export should be improved in CorelDra...
Arnaud Mez about 1 year ago in  2

Show Shortcut Keys in Tooltip

How can I show up the shortcut-keys in the tooltip of the according tool. That will help enormously getting faster in learning Corel.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1

Styles with external refernece

Please make it possible that the a DES / CDR file can refer to an external CDSS / CDT file. So styles can be maintained centrally and are always up to date in the DES files. So a large number of DES / CDR can be adapted centrally. Possibly it w...
Marco Jänicke over 2 years ago in  0

Export docker problems

It can't show more than 300 items. 298, to be exact. Item # 299 gets cut in half and doesn't show any buttons, checkbox or dropdown. Other items don't display, even though the scroll bar indicates there are more items, AND those items get exported...
Ben M about 1 year ago in  0

I have been using CorelDraw since CorelDraw 3; the early 90s. I was given the runaround last year with customer support.

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Guest over 2 years ago in  0 More info required