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Adobe Shape Builder Tool

Gee it sure would be great to have a tool like this in CorelDRAW!
Tommy Westbrook almost 3 years ago in  3

Make Draw/Photo-Paint compatible with PaintShop Pro and vice versa.

I would like to be able to open a .cpt, and .cdr image in Paintshop Pro, and also open .pspimage files in Photo-Paint. Because Photo-Paint lacks compatibility with Photoshop plugins, I often need to send a file to Paintshop Pro for editing. It's a...
Dixon Marshall almost 3 years ago in  0

Mapping - Using grids with the ability to set up automatic picture and data information inputs using grids and coding

I'm trying to prove there is a better way in my organisation to share pictorial information via mapping which has already been built in a grid formation. The maps I make identify fixed and moving worksites - but currently, I have to enter the data...
Guest about 1 year ago in  0

Auto Sorting of layers

Layers in Coreldraw to be automatically sorted in alphabetical order so that users can easily search for layer they want.
Guest over 1 year ago in  2 Will not implement

Keeping the current print setup the same even if you have closed out the document.

When you are working on a document, many times you will have to close out and come back to it another day. When it is saved the print settings should be saved along with it. If I want another hard copy I will usually want to print the same as the ...
Guest about 1 year ago in  0

Add "Cylinder" option Envelope tool

Allow objects to be distorted like cylinders using the Envelope tool
David Eckert over 1 year ago in  0

How do I get my program to work again

My CD just stopped working. I cannot view any file I open. I have modified and I have uninstalled and reinstalled. When I open up I have a menu with only four options, and the cursor turns into a double arrow and I nothing else.
Guest 7 months ago in  0 More info required

Text Leading Glitch

In the text docker the manual entry leading isn't doing anything. I can adjust it with the shape tool and afterwards Corel changes the values in the manual entry box but no matter what I type in it doesn't change. Only the shape tool works.Tool is...
Guest 7 months ago in  0

artistic media

When opening a preivious file and want to adjust the artistic media, I have to make it new, as the file does not remeber the chosen stroke
Guest 7 months ago in  0

Bring some animation tools to Corel Draw.

Some basic motion animation tools would give Corel Draw a huge boost. The existing good integration of pixel and vector graphics are the optimal basis for the step in Motion-Graphix.
Guest almost 3 years ago in  1