I am suggesting that Corel should also be working on ways to improve or introduce the following features: Object/Image Linking (fundamental) The ability to select by Control+Shift+clicking on multiple objects from different groups, PowerClips etc... (efficiency) Click+drag image from Explorer into CorelDRAW should retain name of the image and not assign a generic name (Bitmap). This will also help quickly identify objects when using the Object panel (neat) Introduce layer opacity (efficiency, stability + control) Introduce Layer Effects, Blend Modes etc... (efficiency) Introduce a Select Menu (Find and Replace is chaotic as it is) (efficiency & reliability) Ability to scroll in numeric fields using the mouse or the Up/Down Arrow keys (efficiency + convenience) Live feedback when mouse cursor hovers over a blend mode in the blend mode dropdown menu (Photopaint already does this) Ability to use the Up/Down Arrow keys in the in the blend mode dropdown menu Ability to create a group from a single object Knockout effects on artwork with dropshadows and groups with transparency (Lens) Most modern graphic design software has already incorporated most of the above
I am suggesting that Corel should also be working on ways to improve or introduce the following features: Object/Image Linking (fundamental) The ability to select by Control+Shift+clicking on multiple objects from different groups, PowerClips etc....
William Kansepa
over 1 year ago
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Well, I just grabbed a trial copy of CD Suite 2024, it works quite well and seem to be effective but it crashes on export, no matter what I tryI often go for multi-in-one export (png-jpeg-pdf) but this time the apps just crash or stay there export...
Arnaud Mez
about 1 year ago
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Corel, in the new version, whenever we power clip the element, after the power clip, the entire element below it becomes empty, this is causing a lot of trouble to us, please improve it or fix this problem quickly. get better from