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PDF import - paragraph text support

when you import a PDF document, draw breaks paragraphs into individual lines of artistic text. This make editing almost impossible.
Guest about 2 years ago in  3 Shipped

Line thickness tool

I use CorelDraw to create cartoon vectors by using the pen tool. Would be great to be able to use a tool which would allow me to easily add a tappered point to my lines to have varying thickness. Similar to the line thickness tool in Illustrator.
Guest almost 3 years ago in  3 Shipped

advanced brushes

in this area Corel is way behind. Corel draw was the first program to have a raster brush work in a vector environment, the holy grail itself and no one ever even knew it. the object sprayer tool is a raster brush isn't it? Every body else is two ...
jim Hagler almost 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Print merge - should work with QR codes and barcodes

When using print merge, you should be able to import data to populate QR codes and barcodes. Tech support answer has always been - change it manually.
Tomas Evan almost 3 years ago in  5 Shipped

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2023 The workspace cannot be imported

Workspaces cannot be imported or exported, and old versions of workspaces and shortcuts cannot be used
Guest almost 2 years ago in  4 Shipped

Please review the ability of the program to maintain default outline widths in millimetres (it seems to revert randomly to points)

I personally only use millimetres in my measurements. Unfortunately my defaults seems to be easily be changed... maybe when new files are opened, I am unsure. A way to robustly lock this measurement to millimetres would be good.
Guest about 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Painterly Brushes - ability to create favorite brushes collections

There are so many Painterly Brushes, especially if you buy the additional brush packs, that it is hard to keep track of favorite brushes. I would like to be able to create and name, collections of my favorite brushes.
Guest 8 months ago in  1 Shipped

Update data connections with Print Merge

Create a print merge document with a connected data source file (csv, xls etc.) and save this. Close the cdr file. Change some entries in the data source file. Reopen the cdr file. Result: You have to reconnect the source file, otherwise the updat...
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Export to a file with a defined setting

When exporting a page to a PNG/JPG file, the program correctly assigns the previously defined pattern of settings, but the file settings do not change (in my case, the defined resolution). This requires changing the pattern to another and returnin...
Dawid about 2 years ago in  4 Shipped

Your painterly brushes are a game changer

I just wanted to say that these are the brushes and responsiveness to pen pressure I was waiting for, thanks for knocking it out of the park!
Guest 5 months ago in  0 Shipped