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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 26, 2022

Complete revamp of the docker panels needed

The docker panels take up a lot of space in the work area, even at their narrowest. Also, having multiple dockers open at the same time means scrolling up and down to access a tab and the vertical naming doesn't make it easy to find a tab quickly.

I would really like CorelDRAW dockers to behave as the Corel Painter panels have been doing for many years now (see video below). Various panels can be grouped horizontally into a single panel, and these in turn, can be converted to drawers which can be easily collapsed, freeing up a huge amount of design space.

I'd really like to see CorelDRAW docker panels streamlined and space saving!

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  • Dixon Marshall
    Mar 10, 2023

    Yes! I used Painter long before CorelDraw, and upon installation of Draw I assumed that the docker interface would be similar. It took a little while for me to realize that there was no way to collapse and horizontally tab the dockers. I was disappointed, and I've always wished for this functionality in Coreldraw.