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superimposed lines

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Ernst Huber over 2 years ago in  1

can you introduce Flip Book option in this CorelDraw

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Prashant Vanmali over 2 years ago in  0

Open PDFs on separate pages

When opening a PDF in CorelDraw, of importing a PDF.... It is silly that every page gets dumped onto one page. I would love it to put each page in a PDF on a separate page in Corel when opening.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1

Dynamic link to Excel (and other) objects

I put objects into my corel files often. I know I can double click an excel spread sheet and it opens and I update it and no problem, But I would love it if I could go directly to the the linked spreadsheet, update it, and when I open Corel it wou...
Lorrie Russell over 2 years ago in  4 Already exists

Drawing precision and incorrect setting of decimal places

If I set the options drawing precision to 4 decimal places, for example, this has an effect almost everywhere except in all fields for scaling. In these fields, rounding is simply done. For projects with very large dimensions, this makes a huge...
Marco Jänicke over 2 years ago in  0

Add page frame to each page in doc, instantly

Now, I can add page frame for one page at a time. Or I can write a macro (do those still exist? In 33 years of using CorelDraw I never wrote a macro). I want the button to say, Add page frame for this page only, Add page frame for each page in doc...
Guest over 2 years ago in  4

Add Circle Diameter / Radius to Dimensions

I use the dimensions quite often and would like the ability to add diameter to arcs and circles.
Lorrie Russell over 2 years ago in  2

Quick Pan using center mouse button (scroll wheel button) on Mac Version like in Win ver

Add ability to press and hold the center mouse button (scroll wheel button) to activate Quick Pan like in the Win version. Doesn't seem to be available on the Mac version and would be super helpful to workflow in conjunction with being able to Zoo...
Mark J over 2 years ago in  1

New Feature : Change a symbol via a dropdown

Add the ability to change a symbol via a drop down that would currently list all symbols in your document
Guest over 2 years ago in  0

Symbols to be organized for all documents one creates instead of only for one...

ctrl F3 : It happens to be dependent on the creation of a new form, if u use a copy which already has symbols it works fine. Otherwise its empty. You cant copy it. I found that starting this window has an enormous impact on the use of memory and v...
Detlef Overbeek over 2 years ago in  0