1) give the ability to the mac version 2024, to customize the ui workspace (workspace) as you want that currently and have the ability to put the adobe illustrator workspace including keyboard shortcuts that currently is not there
Illustrator Workspace for MAC OS! - because Illustrator is for.... Mac.
I came over to Corel from using Ill and Photoshop for 25 years, THINKING SURELY they would have "Illustrator Wrokspace" for Mac users. To my dismay, they do not! Very disappointing, as most Illustrator users are Mac. Almost want to cancel. It took...
4 months ago
illustrator workspace on mac 2024
1) give the ability to the mac version 2024, to customize the ui workspace (workspace) as you want and have the ability to put the adobe illustrator workspace including keyboard shortcuts which currently is not there in the mac version but there i...
I was totally disappointed, and left a stern recommendation.
Very nice suggestion.