Currently there is no backwards compatibility between different versions of Corel Draw. You also cannot set a default version to save files as. This means that if you have two different versions of Corel (for example, on two different machines), even if they are one year apart, you cannot reliably open one version's file in the other.
I can open a modern Adobe Illustrator file in a decades old version of Illustrator. I cannot do the same between two successive releases of Corel.
I suggest one of the following solutions:
Allow compatibility between versions of Corel Draw files.
Provide setting that enables later versions of Corel Draw to save as earlier versions of the file by default.
Uninstall Corel, or better yet, never buy a Corel product, because they are clearly not developed with the user's interests in mind.
With the September 2024 Update, for workflows that require saving documents in another version of the application, you can specify a default save version. This ensures documents are saved automatically in the chosen version, minimizing manual steps and reducing errors.
This is applicable to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2024 and CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2024.