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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Status Already exists
Created by Nossy Drelich
Created on May 16, 2024

Add macro support to CorelDraw

Sometimes, you want to use a tool frequently, but its tiring clicking all the flyouts and options every time, perhaps make a macro feature, where you can record what you want, and activate it with a keyboard shortcut, or button available where all the other tools are, as well as the ability to save it as favorites.

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  • Hans
    Aug 12, 2024

    Every CorelDRAW Graphics Suite comes with VBA support. I'm using the scripting feature regularly.

    (I'm using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8, so I can only confirm up to this version.)

    Are you running CorelDRAW on Windows? Did you try hitting <ALT>+<F11> on the keyboard? It should bring up the VBA macro editor.

    Moreover, there is a Macro Recorder docking panel available. So, you may even record your steps to VBA for later retrieval. (See image attached.)