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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Colin
Created on Aug 28, 2023

Add support for mice with horizontal scroll (standard on many MS and Logitech mice)

For the millions of us who use advanced mice with a scroll wheel that can lean from side to side (most of the more advanced mice from at least MS and Logitech work that way), Corel programs are some of the few (only?) programs that don't work. Nothing happens in CoreDRAW or Photo-Paint when leaning the mouse wheel left or right. This should cause the image to scroll left or right, same as dragging the horizontal scroll bar.

Not support a core feature of the mouse like that makes CorelDRAW Graphics Suite feel broken.

I am one of the users who reassigns the scroll wheel to scroll the image instead of zoom (thank you for keeping that under Tools -> Options). I use Ctrl+Scroll Wheel to zoom (because EVERYTHING else in Windows works that way and it's too confusing to switch back and forth). So as someone who expects to the use the wheel to scroll the image, I need to be able to easily scroll both vertically and horizontally.

And yes, I know that Shift+Scroll Wheel scrolls horizontally (I use that as my current work-around), but that's a hassle compared to just using the built in horizontal scroll feature in my mouse.

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