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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 16, 2022

Universal installer

Every 12 months we get a new version of corel , And it takes about 6 months for our 3rd party plugin's to get a fix, Why cant you keep something universal , Many other programs do this, This makes the new versious only usable after it been released for 6 months, (maybe) Action Illustrated for instance, Im still using 2019 , It just makes no sense why our plugins just dont work. I been told its Corel and they can fix this... 3rd party plugins is major necessity in all art programs . Its why Photoshop is so loved , They upgrade and my plugins work no need for new installers or re-entering serial numbers. it just works.

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  • Kürşad Çakır
    Mar 17, 2022

    Maybe after 2022 release we will get "partial setup" as updates... No need to install whole pack.


cloud based auto update

make corel products more cloud based update release, so that subscription customers dont have to reinstall or corel doesnt send different serial number for updates.
Guest almost 3 years ago in  1