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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Arnaud Mez
Created on Jun 21, 2023

Gradient color picker

We currently have couple of ways to cop/pick a color in coreldraw/corelphoto but one thing I found not existing is the possibility to pick a gradient color, well I mean a gradient color is a set of colors, and if the software can display it then it should be possible to pick it and register it or just pick and use.
Let's says I download a gradient palette from pinterest or adobe colors or any other places and want to use that same exact gradient quick, it should be possible for me to use the color picking tool and set a certain parameter that would allow me to pick gradient colors, maybe display a lens that would circle the area of the gradient then capture that area and generate approximative same colors set that i can fill a regular object/curve with, this would add a lot of value to the way CorelDraw handle colors and do care about what connect all peoples from all levels of skills: Colors !

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