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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 10, 2022

Allow use of mouse scroll wheel in dropdown menus and number fields

Please add functionality to allow mouse scroll wheels to adjust numbers or scroll dropdown menus up and down.

For example, if I want to fine-tune a font size, instead of forcing me to click on the font size menu, opening the menu, and then selecting a font size, or having to manually type in a size, I should be able to either click on the font size field, or ideally just hover over it, and scroll up or down to change the size.

Same for dimension fields, allow adjustment via the scroll wheel.

Additionally, when opening dropdown menus, some work with the scroll wheel (the font menu for example), but other dropdowns don't respond to the scroll wheel (selecting a drop shadow preset from that menu for example).

If you're making hundreds or thousands of tiny tweaks to sizes or going in and out of menus constantly, allowing wider use of the scroll wheel would increase user efficiency drastically. Any time you have to take your hand off the mouse to key in something that should be easily adjusted with the scroll wheel is lost time.

This functionality has been present in Adobe programs (and really every other program I can think of) and woudl greatly enhance the user experience in CorelDraw.

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