Now, I can add page frame for one page at a time. Or I can write a macro (do those still exist? In 33 years of using CorelDraw I never wrote a macro). I want the button to say, Add page frame for this page only, Add page frame for each page in document.
Page Frame is a rectangle with size of page.
Below is my code to add rectangles / Page frames to all pages in active document of CorelDRAW.
This code is started from commandbutton on user form
Private Sub CommandButton141_Click()
Dim MSHAPE As Shape
Dim MPAGE As Page
For Each MPAGE In ActiveDocument.Pages
Set MSHAPE = MPAGE.ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, ActivePage.SizeHeight, ActivePage.SizeWidth, 0)
MSHAPE.Outline.Width = 0.2
MSHAPE.Outline.Color.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0
End Sub
Here is code to add 10 pages to active document
Private Sub CommandButton132_Click()
ActiveDocument.AddPages (10)
End Sub
LOL, Kürşad Çakır .... I have the same time put into CD as the OP and just learned of that sequence the other day.
Who RTFMs ???
Maybe it can be via CTRL + SHIFT + Double Click to rectangle tool.