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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Eric Bivens
Created on May 29, 2022

Remove the one pixel white edge on jpeg exports for CorelDraw.

When exporting images from CorelDraw (images with vector and bitmp layers), even though the image may be perfectly aligned at "1920 x 1080" the jpeg export often times adds one pixel to the horizontal and vertical edge, making the export 1921 x 1081. Even when the adjustment is made in the export panel, it doesn't correct the white pixel issue. This can then be seen on social media or web, because of a thin white line due to the export (yet there is not white line in the program/design).

  • Attach files
  • Leon Claassen
    Nov 20, 2023

    This happend when export a selection.

    The same happend when creating an PDF form a selection. The file gets 0,4mm or so bigger.

    When printing these files nested without space you see an small white line.


Arrange the problem in CORELDRAW of making a vector art in jpg

The problem is that when i make a vector art a .jpg, it always make a tiny white frame that i always have to cut in photoshop.
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