Currently if you type in a capital letter H in Arial and set it to 1" in the font dropdown, the object size of the H is .716" tall. If you physically size the letter to 1" the font drop down shows 1.397". Different fonts, this number varies because the font size is going off the EM Size? Or including ascenders and descenders? I would like to allow the font dropdown to apply the size at 1" based off the height of the capital letter H (or another letter if H is not a good reference, i.e. for Monotype Corsiva the E would work much better).
In order to accomplish this I think we could use the Corel Font Manager to allow us to set a reference letter and/or scaling factor that we want so each font would physically size accurately. Even better, if you utilized AI features to scan each installed font to see where the best "top height" would be (meaning it ignores swashes, accents, etc.) it would save people from having to set a size for thousands of fonts. Basically it would be like adding a topline similar to the way the baseline works.
This is extremely useful for signage and other applications where currently changing fonts requires you to resize in order to have it physically the same height. We've created a macro to accomplish this, but it would be much nicer to have it native. Adobe Illustrator has recently allowed for sizing off the Cap Height, which is a step in the right direction, but being able to set the size via CFM (or directly inside Draw) would make Corel even more powerful than the competition!
If you'd like to see an example of why it's nice to have them all physically size the same, see how I show 4 different options with 4 different fonts without having to manually size each line to fit correctly (This works because we've built custom fonts to size the way we want them to, but if I use fonts that aren't created the same way it wouldn't work like this.)
Agree, SignLab can do this so...