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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Lorrie Russell
Created on May 18, 2022

Document Attribute Fields available on the document

I use CorelDraw at work for a lot of label specification drawings. I've created many templates to standardize the work flow, but what I always have to do, is run around the document making sure I change all the "doc number" and "ref file is " and what have you. I have found a work-around by using a print-merge, but it is not perfect. I'd like to link a table that has elements that need to be filled in the title blocks, or captions or revision blocks and such.

  • Attach files
  • Miroslav Balchev
    Mar 10, 2023
    Hello, I think a user interface form in Globalmacros.gms will work well for You Greetings!
  • Miroslav Balchev
    Mar 10, 2023
    Hello, Please write example to understand problem Greetings!