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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on May 18, 2022

An extension of the panning tool to make navigation around an enlarged image easier.

In the lower right corner of each page created in CorelDraw there is a tiny tool that is the shape of a magnifier glass. --- see attached file for illustration ---

It is a part of the bottom page border that contains the horizontal scroll bar / the Add Page / Page Ordering & Page Naming tool items. All of these items are too small, even on a large screen.

All of these items are frequently used and deserve more prominence on the screen. They were larger on previous versions of CorelDraw and they should be enlarged to make them easier to access and use. They should be given the emphasis that their usefulness deserves.

Also, it should be given a name and included in the User Guide. The only reference I could find in the User Guide is a passing mention of "Panning". Even then I was unsure the tool I'm referencing is the one they were referring to.

  • Attach files
  • Andrew Baker
    May 18, 2022

    Just press 'N' in Coreldraw?