Currently, object outlines can only have parameters of weight, colour, and dashing.
There should be more flexibility to defining the appearance of an outline. For example:
Something that can look like railroad tracks
The ability to stretch or repeat a vector
Consider the competition where an outline/curve can have a style defined by things like end-caps, corners, and in-fill.
And also to be able to add gradients, (fountain)fill a.s.o. would be really great
It would be nice to be able to have a thick line behind text so the text could be white - thus reversed out - and the line would stay with the text as it moves. InDesign has this.
And there should be option for double, triple lines in different configurations - same lines, thick and thin, two thick lines, one dotted and one continuous etc. with option to customize them.
And please be sure to add the ability to at least create dotted lines with circular dots. Currently you can either get only square points or dotted lines with round caps.