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CorelDRAW Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 24, 2025

Lock is disabled on path+text combo if text was fitted to path

Here's the issue. When you have a separate text and a separate curve selected together, and you right-click one of them, the selection doesn't change and you can lock both of them at once, easily.

But when you try to right-click on a text-curve combo where the text was fitted to the curve as a path, the right-click removes the selection of both and only selects the one that's underneath the cursor. So I think perhaps this might have something to do with the fact that the Lock menu is then disabled on the dropdown.

But not only that, for some reason the Lock is also disabled in the top navbar > Object > Lock menu, even though that has nothing to do with right-clicking.

Even if you group the path and the fitted text into a single group, the Lock is still disabled.

The only way to lock these things is if you separate the text from the path - but then you won't be able to rejoin them later, because a formerly path-fitted text will be totally messed up if you try to fit it to a path again.

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